My Journey

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I am a Jesus-follower, a minister, and a mom. I'm trying to be good at a lot of things and often this exhausts me. I love my kids, my husband, my church and my life. I want to share my journey with others, so this is my blog.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


This morning was one of the harder ones for me. I love getting up before my kids to have worship. I look forward to it, plan on it, and bask in it. This morning, they woke up early. I know worship should give me patience, and it does...after. During I just get more and more frustrated. They have to stay in their room until 7 a.m., but that theory doesn't always work out in practice. I make them stay there, but that doesn't stop them from continually coming out and yelling downstairs at me for random "needs". And I just get more and more annoyed.

This morning, as this scenario was playing out, I asked for God's grace enough to handle them today (when days start out like this, I have a hard time pulling back my peace and patience that I started the day hoping for). The song "Your Grace is Enough" came into my head, and, the lover of technology that I am, immediately pulled out my iphone and downloaded it. Then sat and listened to it as long as I could (trying to ignore the kid noise above).

Just that phrase "Your Grace is Enough" really struck me. This is such a little thing. God's grace (including God's love and patience and all the other wonderful gifts that pour out of God) has been enough to cover the world for thousands of years. Every individual is offered this, to cover massive amounts of Sin. Every moment. It is very petty of me to wonder if, those thousands of "gallons" of grace are enough for my little annoyances. Of course God can give me the grace to get through the day. How petty of me to think otherwise.

Meanwhile, back to the kids I go...

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