My Journey

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I am a Jesus-follower, a minister, and a mom. I'm trying to be good at a lot of things and often this exhausts me. I love my kids, my husband, my church and my life. I want to share my journey with others, so this is my blog.

Friday, March 9, 2012

It gets easier!

To all my new-or-soon-to-be mom-friends out there, this is for you:

As I write this, my 4 year old is downstairs getting water for him and his brother. They are talking and playing happily. Twice in the past 2 weeks I have been able to take a shower while they were awake without interruption (as I re-read that last sentence, it would sound awful to my pre-child self, instead of amazing). This morning, when I told my 4 yr old I needed to take a shower, he turned to his brother and said "Finn, would you like to go upstairs and play with me while mommy showers?" Finn (age 2 and still doesn't have many words) nodded, and up they went. There have been multiple Sundays recently when my husband and I have been able to sit and have coffee while the boys played nicely together and left us (mostly) alone. I have even been able to write this post with very minimal interruption.

Is it always like this? Of course not. I'm pretty sure the 2 yr old spent most of the day crying yesterday. I often feel I'm having to constantly handle "mom, Finn's doing..." reports. But then, I notice times like this morning. They don't need my constant attention. They are perfectly happy on their own.

Maybe you, as a new mom, are living in bliss. You have the perfect child who gives you joy at every moment. But maybe you're like me. Often just wishing for 5 minutes to yourself. Constantly stressing about how to spend the next few moments so your child will be happy and give you just a little break. Of course you love your child, but the eternal feeling of constant parenthood can be overwhelming at time. If that's you, then my message to you is simply this: just hang on, it gets easier.

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